AMSYS at IIOM Conference in Munich - 17.-19. May 2022 - Obsolescence Management
AMSYS is excited to participate as an exhibitor and speaker at the IIOM Conference and Exhibition in Munich on May 17-19, 2022 "Obsolescence Management - How to exceed your customers expectations". For more information, please visit: https://www.theiiom.org/SharedContent/Events/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=7d8f7f01-223e-41c5-b976-d9dec5d9676a&iSearchResult=true&WebsiteKey=418a030b-b65c-476a-90cf-c1c61e2a5cca
Visit us at our exhibition stand and join us when Bjoern Bartels, Managing Director of AMSYS, is speaking about "Successful Case Studies in Obsolescence Management" on May, 17th and "Proactive Obsolescence Case Management A Recipe for Success" on May 19th.
AMSYS is the only Germany-wide "Endorsed Trainer" for a certification at "IIOM Associate Grade" level of the International Institute for Obsolescence Management and also business partner of the German Chapter COGD (Component Obsolescence Group Deutschland) e.V..
If you can not attend the conference, you will find all information about our seminars and workshops here: www.am-sys.com
You may also request a free trial and find further information about the AMSYS Life Cycle Management (LCM) Client, Obsolescence Management Software with + efficiency at: www.lcm-client.com
Powered by AMSYS - Applicable Management SYStems
For more information about our portal, please visit: https://www.obsolescence-management.net/